Monday, February 22, 2010

Weekly Happenings Feb. 22-26

Here are some things that are going on in WISD this week:
  • Report cards will be going home with students on Wednesday, Feb. 24th
  • We are in final preparations for the first TAKS test of the year. Next week, students in grades 4 & 7 will be taking the TAKS writing test. Good luck to those kiddos!
  • Students interested in participating in the Junior League of Bell County and Children's Miracle Network St. Patrick's Day 5K Run/Walk need to see Mr. Steele for details. The run benefits the Children's Miracle Network and will be on March 13. The cost for participants is $10, but the local school with the must participants has the opportunity to win $500-$1,000 for their PE program. Again, anyone interested should see Mr. Steele for details.

Message for the week: Study and the Opportunities will Come!

Have a great week or not, the CHOICE is yours!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Field Trip

I love field trip days. There's just something about field trips that gets everyone excited about being at school. I guess it is probably the fact that students think they are somehow playing hooky or the fact that it is just out of the routine that gets them excited.

Today, our students in Kindergarten through 2nd grade have the opportunity to go to the Bell County Expo Center in Belton to attend a mini-rodeo. We had several show up with their cowboy hats and boots on excited about getting the chance to go. Probably the greatest part of field trips is that the students are learning in a real world, hands-on way. I think that is the best way for kids (or for anyone for that matter) to learn.

Our teachers strive to create an environment like that everyday here in Westphalia. While learning learning seemingly useless facts such as factorization or least common denominators, our teachers do a great job interjecting real world reasons why these concepts are important. I think that is one of the reasons our students are so successful. Though we are unable to physically leave school everyday, our teachers are able to connect students to the outside world in an effort to encourage learning and further exploration by students.

So, next time you ask your son or daughter "What did you learn at school today?" make sure you follow it up with "How will that help you in your life as you get older?" If possible, share how you use that concept in your work or life. Together, we can take our students beyond the four walls of the classroom and into the real world everyday.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Weekly Happenings Feb. 1-5

Here are some things that are happening at WISD this week:
  • Progress reports will be issued on Wednesday, Feb. 3
  • Valentine's Day goodies forms are being collected in the office.
  • 2010 Keep Falls County Beautiful calendars are on sale in the office at a cost of $5 per calendar. All students who submitted artwork are in the calendar.
  • Students in grades 6-8 who are interested in participating in the Bell County Spelling Bee should let Mr. Steele know by Friday.

Message for the Week: If you don't stand for something, you may fall for anything!

Have a great week or not, the CHOICE is yours!