Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Parent Letter

Spring always represents a busy time for me and my family. For whatever reason, it just seems as though our obligations and commitments increase as the temperature rises. Maybe it’s the fact that activities increase with the better weather, but for some reason I seem to be barely staying ahead.

I know a lot of and students feel that way as well. As the pressure for the TAKS test mounts, teachers seem to put more emphasis on tutoring and homework. Students who have coasted through the first part of the year now seem to realize that it’s time to buckle down and get serious. The stress level of students seems to be on the rise.

Parents also feel the effect of the stress that is caused by spring. Whether you sense the anxiety in your child, or your own pressures increase, people seem on edge during the springtime.

I think that’s one reason why things like spring flowers and warm weekends happen. There are few things that can relax someone like a walk through a field of bluebonnets or Indian paintbrush. I believe that the sights and sounds of spring serve a purpose of helping relax people in a stressful time. All things happen for a reason, and I think the beauty of spring happens to help off-set the stress that occurs during this time of year. I encourage you to enjoy the beauty and release the stress.

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