Friday, January 30, 2009

Germs, Germs Everywhere

Cold and flu season is in full affect. We had 15 students out on Monday and another 10 out on Tuesday of this week due to illness. One of the best ways to prevent getting sick, and spreading germs to others, is to make sure you wash your hands regularly and use proper hand-washing techniques. Here are some helpful reminders of how and when to wash hands:

Proper Technique
1. Wet hands with clean, warm water
2. Apply soap
3. Lather soap by vigorously scrubbing for at least 20 seconds (this loosens the germs)
4. Rinse hands with warm, running water to remove all soap
5. Dry hands with a clean paper towel
- If possible, use the towel to turn off the water in the sink and to open the bathroom door

When to Wash
- Before eating meals
- Before, during, and after preparing food
- After using the bathroom
- After changing a diaper
- After going to the store
- As soon as a child arrives home from school
- After touching a pet
- After wiping your nose, coughing/sneezing, or touching the face

By using these simple techniques and remembering when to wash your hands, you will be much better prepared to stay healthy during this time of year. And remember, healthy students means happy students.

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